Monday, September 28, 2020


Thanks to Lana and Ben we got to spend a long 
weekend with them in SSI right before school 
started back! They were headed 
down to the beach to stay in their family condo
and their friends/condo neighbors weren’t 
using their condo and let us borrow their place!! 
So nice!!! 
          Pretty view from our condo...after   
          listening to “Beach Music”, “Prince of Tides”, and
          “Where the Crawdads Sing” I love the marsh 
          even more!         
          Pool with a view on the top deck 
                                     St. Simons Island
                            (The beach is ever changing with
                             the shifting tides) 
                Got to play with friends at the beach
                    Fishing on the dock
                   This boy is ready to dig 
                     Glad to be here! 
                    Drying off under the live oaks 
                   Pretty ladies, pretty picture! 
                   The sky! The greenery! Looks like they
                    are IN a painting! 
          We got to go to a low country boil....yum! 
          Day at the beach!!! 
          We got to be in condos right by each other! 
                    Lunch at “The Half Shell” 
                   Lunch, souvenir shops, beach 
          Wikki stix while you wait 
          Sunshine Girl 
         My sweet buddy boy
                   🐚 Hermit Crabs! 

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