Tuesday, June 13, 2017


-Stair steps-
Watching them grow!
Samuel (7.5), Milla (7.5), Faith (5.5), Lily (5.5)
Cole (3 years)

Samuel and Milla riding, swimming and
fishing with the Dads.

Lily and Faith

Lily and Cole

Chattanooga Carousel

Faith, Lily and Cole walking on
Walnut Street Pedestrian Bridge....
one of the longest in the world

Lana and me

Faith FLYING into the pool

taking a dip

Duke and Hank have it covered...
"I'll take the front...you take the back"

grilling out, guitar, lightening bugs, s'mores
Kick Ball....Peppers vs. Crims
BBQ with Mimi and Papa Ray

Vacation Bible School....
this was drop off...over 800 kiddos!

Piled high

Milla and Elise Bikin'

Summer mornings

Fun days with friends


Milla and Ethan

Emily and Faith

Milla Monkey

Faith holding baby Hope

Milla giving Hope a bottle

Memorial Day water balloons

Cookout with the Longs and Nobles

Brody, Lauren and Cole

playing a little ball

Brandon and Cole looking for fish in the creek

Faith swinging with a pretty view

"Camp Golden" at Gran Mum's House in
Dahlonega (the site of the first major gold
rush in the US)

First time miners

a real-life miner

determined to find gold


touring the mines

checking out the gems

Monday, June 12, 2017


Milla's last day of First Grade!!
Loved Ms. Leatherwood's Class!
-fidget spinners, slime, brain break dances-

Toothless Grins
Elyn, Milla and Presley

Last Lunch with Milla as a first grader

Faith's last day of Preschool!
Loved Mrs. Ringel and Mrs. Lyons' class!!

Faith walking across the stage for her diploma

Last time at FBCWP as a Preschooler

Faith's Class "End of the Year" Party

Last Soccer Game
Go Champions!!


Last 1st Grade Project...
"The Day the Crayons Quit"

excited Elli and Faith at the Kindergarten orientation

Last Day to Walk in to Preschool with
Emily and Faith

Last Time to use the Carline Tag

Last Day of Gymnastics

Last Day of Gymnastics


Last Day home without sisters....
Cole had friends over to play!
Cole, Noah, Hudson, Maddox

Bike Line

Brandon had work to do in Athens...
he went into my Nursing School and took
a picture by our class of 2002

Mother's Day!!

My Mom came to Church with us!

Happy Birthday Brian!

Uncle Brandon with baby Hope

Last Preschool Mother's Day Tea
with Faithy Girl

Faith and her buddies

Last skip down the walkway from
Ms. White's after walking Emily to
the door

Cole's 3 year old check up with
Dr. Cox
Wt= 36#
Ht= 40.25 inches

Brandon and some of the guys from
his Bible Study at Jeffery's
surprise Bday Party

Faith's school picture proof

Graduation proof

Elyn and Milla ready to play

cheers from the sidelines...

Performing Arts night with Grandpa
at his school Woodland

"Art Night" at Milla's school

Backyard playing at Becky's
