Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Veggie Burger

Brandon and I got to meet my Mom for dinner on Saturday night at Houston's. YUM-- Houston's is one of my all time favorite restaurants. I love everything they serve. It sounds crazy--but my very favorite thing is their Veggie Burger. I am not a vegetarian or anything--I really don't even like veggie burgers anywhere else--but there is something about theirs dipped in their delicious honey mustard-- If you haven't had it, trust me--you have to try it!!!
After dinner with my Mom- we went to East Andrews to celebrate the marriage of Candace and Patrick. Candace is one of the Nurse Practitioners at our office. They had a little, quaint, family-only wedding and then had a big party Saturday with all of their friends. It was a great party--they rented out the whole upstairs and had an 80's and 90's cover band. The picture is of some of my work friends (Brooke, Christina, Cassie, Me, and Debbie).
Got to watch the Super Bowl at Derrick & Adrienne's house. They are big time Steelers fans--so things ended up in their favor. Their little girl Elise is almost 4 months old.
Sweet little Puppy!!!

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