Monday, October 9, 2017

Hank "The Tank" Crim

HANK CRIM   (12/12/2006-08/20/2017)

*Remembering when we were dating saying
"I hope we have a dog named "HANK" some day
*getting to go pick up that sweet little ball of fur
from the Avaritt Horse Farm in Oxford, Ga
*that he was such a handsome pup with a
mom named Hannah and dad named Beau...
he was one of 4 boys
*when he cuddled all the way home...
loveable and snuggly 

*this picture....that we kept taking...even when
he was over 100 pounds
*when he would curl up in a ball by 
Brandon's boots
*the little water/food bowl Brandon 
built for was too high for him to reach in
puppy days
*when he knew the sound of Brandon's
truck from miles away....he would get up and 
stand by the window--then a few minutes later
Brandon would pull in the driveway
*how he would greet us at the door like it was
the best part of his day to see us....he would
always bring a gifts...the remote control 
 a dish towel or a shoe
*how he loved to ride up to the farm and
run around through the fields....his pretty
golden coat shining in the sun
*how he loved riding around with the
windows rolled down
*when some of our friends still laugh with us
today about how they asked us to go out to eat
when we first got Hank and we declined 
because we didn't want to leave him!
*how he loved to get dirty and roll
*how it looked like he was 20# lighter when he was
soaking wet because the water weighed down
his fluffy fur
*how the soft, feather like hair behind his
ears would crimp as it dried
*all the times he had lake parties with his
*how much he loved to go hunting with time they went duck hunting
in the middle of the winter in the early early 
morning and Hank came back with  
icicles hanging from his hair (and a huge
dog smile on his face)
*how he loved the he would so
beautifully launch off the dock and fetch his
"birdie" again and again and again
*how we would call him Hank, Hanky Boy,
Buddy Boy, Hanky Pank, Crazy Pup
*how everyone loved Hank...he was so 
friendly...when we moved a lot of the neighbors
knew his name before ours!
*when he ran in with a sign around his neck to 
announce to my Mom that he wasn't
going to be the only Grandchild anymore!
*that Milla, Faith and Cole got to know 
him and love him 
*that Cole drank his milk every day leaning 
back on Hank...he was his spot
*that he was so good with the kiddos...he
didn't mind being climbed on, dressed up, or
disturbed from his nap 
*that he protected everyone and watched over
us...He took care of his family
*that he was with us through toddler hood of
3 kiddos and and ate every piece of food
that landed on the floor
*at night when he'd come over and stand by
my side of the bed after we had gotten
Milla, Faith and Cole to sleep...and he
would lay his head on me and look at
me with those sweet eyes and wait for
me to pet him
*the comforting sounds he would make in
 the middle of the night reminding us he was he would walk 
around getting cozy in his favorite spot...
or when I'd hear his collar jingle
*that he was so huggable 

*that he was the best running buddy for so many
*that he liked to take strolls through the
neighborhood....first the leash less walks
around Driskell Circle...then Grayson Circle
and in Ivey Manor

*That we all got to be there as the vet
broke the dreaded news to us...

we said goodbye to our
Faithful Hank
10.5 years wasn't long enough...but,
we are ever so grateful for it.

We loved him so much...
he stretched our hearts

there is a special spot for
Hank at Big Daddy's farm...
off Shady Grove Road...
where he loved to go...
under a tall, strong, shade tree...

love the thought of him getting
to heaven...standing alone in a field at sunset
and over the hill in the distance he can see
3 tails wagging...his brothers...and they all spot
him and run to greet him....then his parents...
then all of his buddies all walking with
Jesus who gets down on his knee to
give Hank a big bear hug. Jesus knows
Hank and everything he loves!
I will miss that big, beautiful boy...
our dream come true.

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