Monday, May 28, 2018

A Multitude of Memories in May

Hiking at Fort Mountain State Park

Lots of lush trails...
and pretty overlook..

Happy high school Graduation to
Alexis!!! She had a "Sock Hop" themed
Graduation Party to celebrate!!

Old time cars...diner themed menu...
root beer floats, all the "Grease" characters,
drive in movie, games...etc..

Faith and Milla deciding on their favorite

Last Day at the bus stop with our
5th grade graduate buddies Gavin and Hutch

Milla's end of the year party with
fun friends she has made this year...
Mackenzie, Milla, Maddie, Lyla,
Emma and Robin

Sweet friend Melody

Ms. Walters

Games on the Playground

Cole loving eating lunch with his big sis

Faith's end of the year Luau with her
nice friends...Alyssa, Faith, Edinam,
Maddie and Iani

More sweet friends Rae, Adalyn and Claire

Mrs. Baxley

Faithy Girl

So glad she got to be in this class!!!

Cole's end of the year program!!
Loved getting to learn from
Ms. Marjorie and Ms. Nicole (aka Ms. Cole)

Sweet little buddies

Great 1st year of preschool!
Cole was proud to stand on stage
and sing the "Snowman Song"

Faith and Milla performed
beautifully at the Gymnastics Jubilee
(poor Brandon and Cole were home
with the stomach bug!!)

Watch out world!!!

Tall and Strong

Pretty Pose

Reach for the stars!

Cole at swim lessons...
getting cheered on by Maddox

first time at SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!

first real Roller Coaster...
Dahlonega Mine train!!!

Their Favorite ride...
the LOG RIDE!!!
(the swings were a close 2nd)

Milla said NO WAY...
But, Faith rode the Scream Machine
BACKWARDS with us!!!!!
It was SCARY!!!
She was BRAVE!!!
...but, once was enough...for a long time!

waiting in line for
Thunder River!!!

some refreshing laid back rides
were nice!!

Mother's Day at church..
got to be with my Mom and kiddos...
Brandon was directing traffic getting all
the mothers in...


We got to have GRAN MUM in town for
a whole week!!!

Making Slime with Gran Mum!!

Can't get enough!!

Ran a few minutes before school every
Mon and Wed all year and accumulated
22 miles in the "100 Mile Club"!!!

Neighborhood nature trail

Excited about Elise's baptism!

Happy Birthday Dixie!!!
Got to go to 37 Main downtown Buford
that specializes in cover bands!

When she arrived!!


handsome guy

My Mom and I got to take a walk on
Pilgrim Mill and this was our view...
horses and mountains!!


"Fam Jam" with Emily and Annie

Last Day of our Monday gymnastics
carpool routine with Elli

Cole's Mother's Day Tea...
sweet, sweet songs.....
"here's a kiss and a hug for you..
thank you mommy for all you do"

Brandon was a "Watch Dog Dad" for the day
at the girl's school.....
He picked up Faith high into the air...
soon everyone else wanted to do it too!
This is the line of kiddos
lined up for him to pick them up!

Brandon and Cole caught a fish!

Milla at Boston's bday party

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