Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Mall Mania

Lydia invited the cousins to the mall
to celebrate her Birthday!! What a fun idea...
we did it all!

The Carousel after lunch in the food court


(Hope held every manaquine's hand!)


Rode the animals

While we were at the mall
Cole, Brandon, and Brian went to the
Monster Jam!!!

Abby Stubbs was so sweet to come
speak to the "Treasured Girls" group and
give tips about friends and growing up

My Bday with my fam!  After Cole's 1st baseball
practice we got to go out for mexican!

Hannah and Faith at
the Central Forsyth soccer game for
Youth Night

They got to escort the
soccer players out on the field
before the big game!

Noah and Cole
headed to their first game

Cute little Braves

Flamingo loving Faith

Our Girl's Bible Study got to meet one
last time before things started to
get serious with the corona virus.
(we celebrated Katie's Bday)

When it all started....
at this point (Mar 12) we started hearing about
Coronavirus and schools possibly getting
shut down....
There started to be a rush for toilet paper,
hand sanitizer, wipes, and water.
This is what the grocery store looked like!

Kroger Bread aisle

Publix meat dept!

-Annie and Faith-
Before we had to start quarantining we
got to have one final "sister swap" sleepover....
Annie spent the night with Faith
and Milla went to spend the night with Elise.

-Elise and Milla-

Our neighbor Isabella's bday party
was planned to be high tea at
Cafe Intermezzo....but, as concerns
about social distancing started to come
about they quickly rearranged last
minute and served a beautiful
tea party at their home

Flowers, tea, finger sandwiches,
cookes, and muffins...
a pretty spread

Milla headed to the tea party too

Flower children

Cole and Sam taking a bball time out

basketball and chocolate milk
break for Orion and Cole

Gibbs Gardens

"God loves a cheerful giver"
2 Cor 9:7

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